出版时间:2005-11 出版社:北京燕山出版社 作者:Dale, R.; Dale, Robert; Wong, Kam-Fai 页数:1031
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, IJCNLP 2005, held in Jeju Island, Korea in October 2005. The 88 revised full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 289 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on information retrieval, corpus-based parsing, Web mining, rule-based parsing, disambiguation, text mining, document analysis, ontology and thesaurus, relation extraction, text classification, transliteration, machine translation, question answering, morphological analysis, text summarization, named entity recognition, linguistic resources and tools, discourse analysis, semantic analysis NLP applications, tagging, language models, spoken language, and terminology mining.
Information RetrievalCorpus-Based Parsing Web MiningRrle-Based Parsing DisambiguationText Mining Document AnalysisOntology and ThesaurusRelation ExtractionTest ClassificationTransliterationMachine Translation-1Question Answering Morphological AnalysisMachine Thanslation-2Test SummariazationNamed Entity RecogntionLinguistic Resources and ToolsDiscourse AnalysisSemantic Analysis-1NLP ApplicationsTagging Semantic Analyssis-2Languane ModelsSpoken Language Terminology MiningAuthor Index
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