出版时间:2005-10-26 出版社:Springer 作者:Robert Glück 页数:448
The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer science research, development, and education, at a high level and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community, with numerous individuals, as well as with prestigious organizations and Societies, LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science research forum available. The scope of LNCS, including its sub series LNAI, spans the whole range of computer science and information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields. The type of material published traditionally includes - Proceedings(published in time for the respective conference) - Post-proceedings(consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers) -research monographs(which may be based on outstanding PhD work, research projects, technical reports, etc.)、
Invited Talks Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns -- An Overview abc: The AspectBench Compiler for AspectJ Certifiable Program GenerationDomain-Specific Language A Generative Programming Approach to Developing DSL Compilers Efficient Code Generation for a Domain Specific Language On Domain-Specific Languages Reengineering Bossa Nova: Introducing Modularity into the Bossa Domain-Specific LanguageAspect-Oriented Programming AOP++: A Generic Aspect-Oriented Programming Framework in C++ Model Compiler Construction Based on Aspect-Oriented Mechanisms FeatureC++: On the Symbiosis of Feature-Oriented and Aspect-Oriented Programming Shadow Programming: Reasoning About Programs Using Lexical Join Point InformationMeta-programming and Transformation Generalized Type-Based Disambiguation of Meta Programs with Concrete Object Syntax A Versatile Kernel for Multi-language AOP Semi-inversion of Guarded EquationsGenerative Techniques I A Generative Programming Approach to Interactive Information Retrieval: Insights and Experiences Optimizing Marshalling by Run-Time Program Generation Applying a Generative Technique for Enhanced Genericity and Maintainability on the J2EE PlatformMulti-stage Programming Multi-stage Programming with Functors and Monads: Eliminating Abstraction Overhead from Generic Code Implicitly Heterogeneous Multi-stage ProgrammingGenerative Techniques II Source-Level Optimization of Run-Time Program Generators Statically Safe Program Generation with SafeGen ……Components and TemplatesGeneric ProgrammingDemonstrationsAuthor Index
Generative Programming and Component Engineering 产生式编程与组件工程/会议录 PDF格式下载