出版时间:2005-09-29 出版社:Springer 作者:Can Türker 页数:259
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 6th Thematic Workshop of the EU Network of Excellence DELOS on Digital Library Architectures, held in Cagliari, Italy, in June 2004. The 15 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed. The subjects covered include: service grids for scientific applications, distributed digital libraries, grid computing, peer-to-peer networks, service oriented architectures for digital libraries, a distributed digital library for support of community radios, multimedia management and search, query trading and processing, metadata management, retrieval functionality, and personalization services.
An Overview of the EGEE ProjectGrid Computing Using Web Services TechnologiesSimilarity Grid for Searching in Metric SpacesOrganisation-Oriented Super-Peer Networks for Digital LibrariesA Combined Hyperdatabase and Grid Infrastructure for Data Stream Management and Digital Library ProcessesThe MINERVA Project: Towards Collaborative Search in Digital Libraries Using Peer-to-Peer TechnologyDistribution Alternatives for Superimposed Information Services in Digital LibrariesTowards a Service-Oriented Architecture for the Adaptive Delivery of Heterogeneous Cultural ResourcesAnalysis and Evaluation of Service Oriented Architectures for Digital LibrariesA System Architecture as a Support to a Flexible Annotation ServiceA Service-Oriented Grid Infrastructure for Multimedia Management and SearchStreamOnTheFly: A Network for Radio Content DisseminationSupporting Information Access in Next Generation Digital Library ArchitecturesQuery Trading in Digital LibrariesMoving Digital Library Service Systems to the GridAuthor Index
Peer-to-Peer数字图书馆体系结构中的对等、网格与服务定向/会议文集 PDF格式下载