高性能计算的语言与编译器/2004年国际会议录 Languages and Compilers for High Performance Computing

出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Eigenmann, Rudolf; Li, Zhiyuan; Midkiff, Samuel P.  页数:486  


The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art restilts in computer science research, development, and education, at a high lewl and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community, with numerous individuals, as wetl as with prestigious organizations andsocieties, LNCS has grown into the most comprehensiye computer science research forum available.    The scope of LNCS, including its subseries LNAI and LNBI, spans the whole range 0f computer science ard information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a vatety of application fields. The type of materia! published traditionatly includes                            -proceedings-(published:in time for the lrespective conference)    -post-proceedings (consisting of thorodghly revised final full papers)    -research monographs (which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects, technical reports, etc.)


Experiences in Using Cetus for Source-to-Source TransformationsThe LLVM Compiler Framework and Infrastructure TutorialAn Overview of the Open Research CompilerTrimaran: An Infrastructure for Research in Instruction-Level ParallelismPhase-Based Miss Rate Prediction Across Program InputsSpeculative Subword Register Allocation in Embedded ProcessorsEmpirical Performance-Model Driven Data Layout OptimizationImplementation of Parallel Numerical Algorithms Using Hierarchically Tiled ArraysA Geometric Approach for Partitioning N-Dimensional Non-rectangular Iteration SpacesJuliusC: A Practical Approach for the Analysis of Divide-and-Conquer AlgorithmsExploiting Parallelism in Memory Operations for Code OptimizationAn ILP-Based Approach to Locality OptimizationA Code Isolator: Isolating Code Fragments from Large ProgramsThe Use of Traces for Inlining in Java ProgramsA Practical MHP Information Analysis for Concurrent Java ProgramsEfficient Computation of Communicator Variables for Programs with Unstructured ParallelismCompiling High-Level Languages for Vector ArchitecturesHiLO: High Level Optimization of FFTsApplying Loop Optimizations to Object-Oriented Abstractions Through General Classification of Array SemanticsMSA: Multiphase Specifically Shared ArraysSupporting SQL-3 Aggregations on Grid-Based Data RepositoriesSupporting XML Based High-Level Abstractions on HDF5 Datasets: A Case Study in Automatic Data VirtualizationPerformance of OSCAR Multigrain Parallelizing Compiler on SMP ServersAuthor Index



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