2005智能数据工程与自动化学习/2005年国际会议录/Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning

出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Gallagher, Marcus; Hogan, James; Maire, Frederic  页数:599  


The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art restilts in computer science research, development, and education, at a high lewl and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community, with numerous individuals, as wetl as with prestigious organizations andsocieties, LNCS has grown into the most comprehensiye computer science research forum available.    The scope of LNCS, including its subseries LNAI and LNBI, spans the whole range 0f computer science ard information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a vatety of application fields. The type of materia! published traditionatly includes                            -proceedings-(published:in time for the lrespective conference)    -post-proceedings (consisting of thorodghly revised final full papers)    -research monographs (which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects, technical reports, etc.)


Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering  EXiT-B: A New Approach for Extracting Maximal Frequent Subtrees from XML Data  Synthetic Environment Representational Semantics Using the Web Ontology Language  New Rules for Hybrid Spatial Reasoning  Using Pre-aggregation for Efficient Spatial Query Processing in Sensor Environments  Model Trees for Classification of Hybrid Data Types   Finding Uninformative Features in Binary Data  Knowledge Reduction of Rough Set Based on Partition  Multiresolution Analysis of Connectivity  Kernel Biased Discriminant Analysis Using Histogram Intersection Kernel for Content-Based Image Retrieval  Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using Penalized Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm  Multi-attributes Image Analysis for the Classification of Web Documents Using Unsupervised   Technique  Automatic Image Annotation Based on Topic-Based Smoothing  A Focused Crawler with Document Segmentation  An Intelligent Grading System Using Heterogeneous Linguistic Resources  Probabilistic Data Generation for Deduplication and Data Linkage    Mining Job Logs Using Incremental Attribute-Oriented Approach  Dimensional Reduction of Large Image Datasets Using Non-linear Principal Components  Classification by Instance-Based Learning Algorithm  Analysis/Synthesis of Speech Signals Based on AbS/OLA Sinusoidal Modeling Using Elliptic Filter  Robust Model Adaptation Using in Linear Spectral Domain  Mean and Variance Transformations  Using Support Vector Machine for Modeling of Pulsed GTAW Process  Design of Simple Structure Neural Voltage Regulator for Power Systems  EEG Source Localization for Two Dipoles in the Brain Using a Combined Method  Intelligent Control of Micro Heat Exchanger with Locally Linear Identifier and Emotional Based   Controller  Identification of Anomalous SNMP Situations Using a Cooperative Connectionist Exploratory Projection Pursuit Model……Learning ALgorithms and SystemsBioinformaticsTgents and Comples SYstemsFinancial EngineeringAuthor Index



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