远程医疗信息学的全民享用 Universal Access in Health Telematics

出版时间:2005-6  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Stephanidis, Constantine  页数:317  


The information society is bringing about radical changes in the way people work and interact with each other and with information. There is an obvious need to consolidate progress by means of establishing a common vocabulary and a code of design practice, which addresses the specific challenges posed by universal access. IS4ALL, Information Society for All, is a European Commission funded thematic network that is devoted to consolidating and codifying available knowledge of universal access in the context of health telematics in a principled way. This book reports the most representative findings of the IS4ALL Consortium towards establishing a validated code of universal access practice in health informatics. The book opens with a systematic introduction and then presents a variety of scenario-driven methods and approches for interactive software design.


Part I Universal Access in Health Telematics  Chapter 1 Universal Access  Chapter 2 Trends in Health Telematics: Electronic Health Records in an Intelligent and Communicating Environment  Chapter 3 Towards a Universal Access Code of Practice in Health TelematicsPart II Reference Scenarios  Chapter 4 The HYGEIAnet Reference Scenario  Chapter 5 The SPERIGEST Integrated System  Chapter 6 The Barmerzige Schwestern Reference Scenario  Chapter 7 The ClinicCoach Reference Scenario  Chapter 8 WardInHand-Mobile Access to EPRs  Chapter 9 Patients and EHRs Tele Home Monitoring Reference Scenario  Chapter 10 MediBRIDGE / C-CARE: Remote Access to EPRsPart III Design for All Methods and Their Application  Chapter 11 The Universal Access Assessment Workshop (UA2W) Method  Chapter 12 Applying the Unified User Interface Design Method in Health Telematics  Chapter 13 Using Non-functional Requirements as Design Drivers for Universal Access  Chapter 14 Screening Models and Growth Scenarios  Chapter 15 W3C-WAI Content Accessibility Auditing  Chapter 16 Usability Inspection of the WardInHand Prototype  Chapter 17 Multimodal Interfaces - A Generic Design Approach  Chapter 18 Role-Adapted Access to Medical Data: Experiences with Model-Based Development  Chapter 19 MedicSCORE and the Evaluation of ClinieCoach  Chapter 20 Standards Adherence and Compliance  Chapter 21 Participatory Insight to Universal Access: Methods and Validation Exercises  Chapter 22 IS4ALL Method Base: Choosing Micro-methods and Tailoring to Custom PracticesReferences




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