Programming Multi-Agent Systems多代理系统编程/会议文集

出版时间:2002-1  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Bordini, Rafael H.; Dastani, Mehdi; Dix, Jurgen  页数:248  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPTA 2001, held in Porto, Portugal, in December 2001. The 21 revised long papers and 18 revised short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 88 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on extraction of knowledge from databases, AI techniques for financial time series analysis, multi-agent systems, AI logics and logic programming, constraint satisfaction, and AI planning.


I  Invited PapersCoordinating Teams in Uncertain Environments: A Hybrid BDI-POMDP ApproachAgents - The Challenge of Relevance to the IT Mainstream II  Agent-Oriented ProgrammingGoal Representation for BDI Agent Systems AF-APL-Bridging Principles and Practice in Agent Oriented LanguagesIII  Agent Platforms and ToolsA Toolkit for the Realization of Constraint-Based Multiagent SystemsDebugging Agent Behavior in an Implemented Agent SystemA Mobile Agents Platform: Architecture, Mobility and Security ElementsIV  Agent LanguagesBridging the Gap Between AUML and Implementation Using IOM/TInter-agent Communication in IMAGO PrologV  Multi-agent Systems TechniquesOMNI: Introducing Social Structure, Norms and Ontologies into Agent OrganizationsA Dialogue Game to Offer an Agreement to DisagreeCoordination of Complex Systems Based on Multi-agent Planning:Application to the Aircraft Simulation DomainAuthor Index



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