Integration of Software Specification Techniques for Applications in Engineering 工程中应用的软件规范技术的综合

出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Ehrig, H.; Ehrig, Hartmut; Damm, Werner  页数:628  


This book constitutes the documentation of the scientific outcome of the priority program Integration of Software Specification Techniques for Applications in Engineering sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It includes main contributions of the projects of the priority program and of additional international experts in the field. Some of the papers included were presented at the related Third International Workshop on the topic, INT 2004, held in Barcelona, Spain in March 2004.     The 25 revised full papers presented together with 6 section introductions by the volume editors were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on reference case study production automation, reference case study traffic control systems, petri nets and related approaches in engineering, charts, verification, and integration modeling.


Integration of Software Specification Techniques for Applications in Engineering: Introduction and Overview of ResultsPart I: Reference Case Study Production Automation  Basic Principles for Software Specification - Introduction to Subject Area Reference Case Study Production Automation  Challenges of Next Generation Manufacturing Systems  Development of Hierarchical Broadcasting Software Architectures Using UML 2.0  An Engineer's Workstation to Support Integrated Development of Flexible Production Control Systems  A Formal Component Concept for the Specification of Industrial Control SystemsPart II: Reference Case Study Traffic Control Systems  Specification Methodology, Case Studies, and Experiments - An Introduction to the Subject Area of Traffic Control Systems  Reference Case Study "Traffic Control Systems" for Comparison and Validation of Formal   Specifications Using a Railway Model Demonstrator  Precise Definition of the Single-Track Level Crossing in Radio-Based Operation in UML Notation and Specification of Safety Requirements  Executable HybridUML and Its Application to Train Control Systems  The Use of UML for Development of a Railway Interlocking System  Part III: Petri Nets and Related Approaches in Engineering  Process Description Languages and Methods Introduction to the Chapter Petri Nets and Related   Approaches in Engineering  Specification and Formal Verification of Production Automation Systems  Specification and Validation of an Edge Router Discovery Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks    A Guide to Modelling and Controt with Modules of Signal Nets  270  Conceptual Design of an Engineering Model for Product and Plant AutomationPart IV:Charts  Introduction to Subject Area "Charts"  ……PartV:VerificationPaetVI:Integration ModellingAuthor Index



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