Parameterized and Exact Computation 参数化与精确计算/会议录

出版时间:2004-11  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Dehne, Frank 编  页数:290  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Workshop on Parameterized and Exact Computation, IWPEC 2004, held in Bergen, Norway, in September 2004.    The 25 revised full papers presented together with an invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 47 submissions. The topics addressed focus on all current issues in this new approach to designing algorithms.


Parameterized Enumeration, Transversals, and Imperfect Phylogeny ReconstructionOnline Problems, Pathwidth, and PersistenceChordless Paths Through Three VerticesComputing Small Search Numbers in Linear TimeBounded Fixed-Parameter Tractability: The Case 2p~ly(k)Refined Memorisation for Vertex CoverParameterized Graph Separation ProblemsParameterized Coloring Problems on Chordal GraphsOn Decidability of MSO Theories of Representable MatroidsOn Miniaturized Problems in Parameterized Complexity TheorySmaller Kernels for Hitting Set Problems of Constant ArityPacking Edge Disjoint Triangles: A Parameterized ViewLooking at the StarsMoving Policies in Cyclic Assembly-Line SchedulingA Structural View on Parameterizing Problems: Distance from TrivialityPerfect Path Phylogeny Haplotyping with Missing Data Is Fixed-Parameter TractableSimplifying the Weft HierarchyThe Minimum Weight Triangulation Problem with Few Inner Points A Direct Algorithm for the Parameterized Face Cover ProblemOn Finding Short Resolution Refutations and Small Unsatisfiable SubsetsParameterized Algorithms for Feedback Vertex SetAutomated Proofs of Upper Bounds on the Running Time of Splitting AlgorithmsImproved Parameterized Algorithms for Feedback Set Problems in Weighted TournamentsGreedy Localization, Iterative Compression, and Modeled Crown Reductions: New FPT Techniques, an Improved Algorithm for Set Splitting, and a Novel 2k Kernelization for Vertex CoverSpace and Time Complexity of Exact Algorithms: Some Open Problems (Invited Talk)Practical FPT Implementations and Applications(Invited Talk)Author Index



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