Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment 交互式数字讲故事与娱乐用技术/会议录

出版时间:2004-8  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Goebel, Stefan; Spierling, Ulrike; Hoffmann, Anja  页数:304  


The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer scienceresearch, development, and education, at a high level and in both printedand electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals, as well as with prestigious organizations and societies, LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science research forum available.    The scope of LNCS, including its subseries LNAI and LNBI, spans thewhole range of computer science and information technology includinginterdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields. The type ofmaterial published traditionally includes    -proceedings (published in time for the respective conference)    -post-proceedings (consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers)    -research monographs (which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects, technical reports, etc.)


Keynote SpeechEmbodied Agents and Meaningful MotionInteractive StorytellingNatural Language Understanding in Facade: Surface-Text ProcessingStepping into the Interactive DramaFrom Another Point of View: Art-E-Fact1, 2, 3…Action! Directing Real Actors and Virtual CharactersObject Oriented Prompted Play (O2P2): A Pragmatic Approach to Interactive NarrativeTransferring Game Mastering Laws to Interactive Digital StorytellingNarrativity of User Experience: Presence in IVE Based Narrative Systems as TransportationIntegrated Decision Points for Interactive MoviesVirtual HumanAutonomous Virtual ActorsEvaluation of a Virtual Narrator's Expressiveness in Terms of Suspense SignalingEmotional Characters for Automatic PlotAuthoringWriting Interactive Fiction Scenarii with DraMachinaA Toolkit for Authoring Non-linear Storytelling Environments Using Mixed RealityLearning from the Movie Industry: Adapting Production Processes for Storytelling in VRA System to Compose Movies for Cross-Cultural Storytelling Textable MovieMobileHopstory: An Interactive, Location-Based Narrative Distributed in Space and TimeMobile Entertainment ComputingLearningStoryNet: An Educational Game for Social Skills.Inner Earth: Towards Interaction PatternsMedia Art Environment Geist: Integrating Traditional Painting into 3D AR Storytelling ScenarioConceptual Models for Interactive Digital Storytelling in Knowledge Media Applications……TheoryApplicatinsGamingDemos and ExhibitionsAuthor Index




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