出版时间:2004-8 出版社:北京燕山出版社 作者:Melnik, G.; Melnik, Grigori; Holz, Harald 页数:171
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations, LSO 2004, held in Banff, Canada in June 2004. The 13 revised full papers and 3 revised short papers presented together with an introduction by the volume editors were carefully reviewed and selected for presentation. The book is devoted to technical, organizational, and social solutions to problems of learning from previous experiences and codifying the resulting best practices so that they can be used in subsequent software development efforts. The papers are organized in topical sections on experience-based information systems, software maintenance, communities of practice, planning LSOs, and case studies and experience reports.
Introduction Research on Learning Software Organizations-Past, Present, and FutureExperience-Based Information Systems Learning How to Manage Risks Using Organizational Knowledge Building Ontology Based Tools for a Software Development Environment REBUILDER: A CBR Approach to Knowledge Management in Software Design COTS Evaluation Supported by Knowledge Bases Embedding Experiences in Micro-didactical Arrangements016Software Maintenance Learning Software Maintenance Organizations How to Manage Knowledge in the Software Maintenance Process Learning from HOMER, a Case-Based Help Desk Support SystemCommunities of Practice Tool Support for Inter-team Learning in Agile Software Organizations Knowledge Acquisition and Communities of Practice: An Approach to Convert Individual Knowledge into Multi-organizational Knowledge Impreciseness and Its Value from the Perspective of Software Organizations and LearningPlanning LSOs A Framework for Managing Concurrent Business and ICT Development Case Studies and Experience Reports Agile Knowledge Management in Practice Co-knowledge Acquisition of Software Organizations and Academia Effects of Software Process in Organization Development-A Case Study Knowledge Networks - Managing Collaborative Knowledge SpacesAuthor Index
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