Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2004 计算机科学及其应用

出版时间:2004-7  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Lagana, A.  页数:1140  


The four-volume set LNCS 3480-3483 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2005, held in Singapore in May 2005. The four volumes present a total of 540 papers selected from around 2700 submissions. The papers span the whole range of computational science, comprising advanced applications in virtually all sciences making use of computational techniques as well as foundations, techniques, and methodologies from computer science and mathematics, such as high performance computing and communication, networking, optimization, information systems and technologies, scientific visualization, graphics, image processing, data analysis, simulation and modelling, software systems, algorithms, security, multimedia etc.


Grid Computing Workshop  Advanced Simulation Technique in Porous Media  The P-GRADE Grid Portal  for Modeling Multiphase Fluid Flow  A Smart Agent-Based Grid Computing Platform  Publishing and Executing Parallel Legacy Code Using an OGSI Grid Service  The PROVE Trace Visualisation Tool as a Grid Service  Privacy Protection in Ubiquitous Computing Based on Privacy Label and Information FlowResource Management and Scheduling Techniques for Cluster and Grid Computing Systems Workshop  A Monitoring and Prediction Tool for Time-Constraint Grid Application  Optimal Server Allocation in Reconfigurable Clusters with Multiple Job Types  Design and Evaluation of an Agent-Based Communication Model for a Parallel File System  Task Allocation for Minimizing Programs Completion Time in Multicomputer Systems  Fault Detection Service Architecture for Grid Computing Systems  Adaptive Interval-Based Caching Management Scheme for Cluster Video Server  A Scalable Streaming  Cluster Architecture   Proxy Server Based on  The Measurement of an Optimum Load Balancing Algorithm in a Master/Slave Architecture  Data Discovery Mechanism for a Large Peer-to-Peer Based  Scientific Data Grid Environment  A DAG-Based XCIGS Algorithm for Dependent Tasks in Grid Environments  Running Data Mining Applications on the Grid A Bag-of-Tasks ApproachParallel and Distributed Computing Workshop  Application of Block Design to a Load Balancing Algorithm on  Distributed Networks  Maintenance Strategy for Efficient Communication at Data Warehouse  Conflict Resolution of Data Synon in Mobile Environment  A Framework for Orthogonal Data and Control  Parallelism Exploitation  ……Scientific Computing Environments For Imaging in Science SessionComputer Graphics and Geometric Modeling Workshop Virtual Reality in Scientiffle APplications and Learning WorkshopWeb-Based Learning SessionSpatial Statisties and Geographical Information Systems:Algorithms and Applicationsuthor Index



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