Applications of Evolutionary Computing寻优计算应用/会议录

出版时间:2004-5  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Raidl, Gnther R.; Cagnoni, Stefano; Branke, Jrgen  页数:560  


This book constitutes the joint refereed proceedings of six workshops on evolutionary computing, EvoWorkshops 2004, held together with EuroGP 2004 and EvoCOP 2004 in Coimbra, Portugal, in April 2004.  The 55 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 123 submissions. In accordance with the six workshops covered, the papers are organized in topical sections on evolutionary bioinformatics; evolutionary computing in communications, networks, and connected systems; hardware optimization techniques; evolutionary computing in image analysis and signal processing; evolutionary music and art; and evolutionary algorithms in stochastic and dynamic environments.


EvoBIO Contributions  A Memetic Algorithm for Protein Structure Prediction in a 3D-Lattice HP Model  An Improved Genetic Algorithm for the Sequencing by Hybridization Problem  Evolutionary Search of Thresholds for Robust Feature Set Selection: Application to the Analysis of Microarray Data  Evolving Regular Expression-Based Sequence Classifiers for Protein Nuclear Localisation  Analysis of Proteomic Pattern Data for Cancer Detection  Self-Adaptive Scoutin-Autonomous Experimentation for Systems Biology  An Improved Grammatical Evolution Strategy for Hierarchical Petri Net Modeling of Complex Genetic Systems  Two-Step Genetic Programming for Optimization of RNA Common-Structure  Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Control in Fed-Batch Fermentation Processe  Discrete Branch Length Representations for Genetic Algorithms in Phylogenetic Search  Iteratively Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks with Virtual Knockout Experiments  Multiple Sequence Alignment Using SAGA: Investigating the Effects of Operator Scheduling, Population Seeding and Crossover Operators  Constructing Microbial Consortia with Minimal Growth Using a Genetic AlgorithmEvoCOMNET Contributions  2-Objective Optimization of Cells Overlap and Geometry with Evolutionary Algorithms  A Genetic Algorithm for Telecommunication Network Design  A GA/Heuristic Hybrid Technique for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Networks  Ant Colony Optimization Paths Problem for the Maximum Edge-Disjoint  Using Genetic Programming to Design Broadcasting Algorithms for Manhattan Street Networks  A Scenario-Based Approach to Protocol Design Using Evolutionary TechniquesEvoHOT Contributions  A Slicing Structure Representation for the Multi-layer Floorplan Layout Problem  Disjoint Sum of Product Minimization by Evolutionary Algorithms ……EvoIASP ContributionsEvoMUSART Contributions EvoSOC ConrtibutionsAuthor Index



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