Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments作为知识器具的关系结构理论与应用/会议录

出版时间:2004-2  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Swart, Harrie De; Orlowska, Ewa; Schmidt, Gunther  页数:270  


  Relational structures abound in our daily environment: relational databases, data mining, scaling procedures, preference relations, etc. As the documentation of scientific results achieved within the European COST Action 274, TARSKI, this book advances the understanding of relational structures and the use of relational methods in various application fields.  The 12 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected for presentations. The papers are devoted to mechanization of relational reasoning, relational scaling and preferences, and algebraic and logical foundations of real world relations.


RELVIEW and RATH - Two Systems for Dealing with RelationsThe GUHA Method and Foundations of (Relational) Data MiningMechanised Reasoning and Model Generationfor Extended Modal LogicsTheory Extraction in Relational Data AnalysisAn Environment for Specifying Properties of Dyadic Relationsand Reasoning about Them. I: Language Extension MechanismsConsistent Representation of RankingsAxiomatic and Strategic Approaches to Bargaining ProblemsCategoric and Ordinal Voting: An OverviewRelational Models of Lambek LogicsApproximation Operators in Qualitative Data AnalysisLattice-Based Relation Algebras and Their RepresentabilityBinary MultirelationsAuthor Index



    Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments作为知识器具的关系结构理论与应用/会议录 PDF格式下载

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