出版时间:2005-11 作者:Lohe, Detlef; Haufelt, Jurgen; 页数:644
Microstructures, electronics, nanotechnology - these vast fields of research are growing together as the size gap narrows and many different materials are combined. Current research, engineering sucesses and newly commercialized products hint at the immense innovative potentials and future applications that open up once mankind controls shape and function from the atomic level right up to the visible world without any gaps. Continuing from the previous volume, authors from three major competence centres for microengineering here cover all aspects of specialized replication techniques and how to employ state-of-the-art technologies for testing and characterizing micro-scale components, and illustrate quality control aspects and strategies for automation of production procedures in view of future industrial production and commercialisation.
PrefaceForewordList of ContributorsⅣ Replication Techniques - Micro Casting, Micro Electro Forming and Further Techniques13 Microcasting14 Microelectroforming of Metals15 Further Ceramic Replication TechniquesⅤ Automation and Quality Assurance16 Automation of the Powder Injection Molding Process17 Microassembly - Approaches to Meet the Requirements of Accuracy18 Quality Assurance and Dimensional Measurement TechnologyⅥ Properties of Materials and Microcomponents19 Analysis of" Microstructure, Surface Topography and Mechanical Properties of Microcast Specimens Made of the Dental Gold Alloy Stabilor G20 Microstructure, Surface Topography and Mechanical Properties of" Molded ZrO2Microspecimens21 Tribological Characterization of Mold Inserts and Materials for Microcomponents22 Development of a Simulation Tool for Wear in Microsystems Subject Index
Microengineering of metals and ceramics金属与陶瓷的微工程,第II部分 PDF格式下载