基于模式分类的胸病成像Diseases of the Chest

出版时间:2006-11  出版社:上海科学技术文献出版社  作者:Matsushima, Toshiharu  页数:184  


The chest x-ray is the most commonly performed diagnostic x-ray examination. Highly illustrated and with only a minimum of necessary text, this new book takes a highly efficient pattern-based approach to evaluating the chest x-ray. Classes of findings, such as "increased radiolucency" or "alveolar shadow: atelectasis," are used to orient the reader toward the underlying medical problem. Tables help to organize the basic findings so as to be able to arrive at a differential diagnosis. While the emphasis is on the chest x-ray, a supporting role is played by helpful CT images, schematics and drawings, and photographs of pathologic specimens, where these may be helpful to understand the chest x-ray appearance of the disease. Chest x-rays are often performed routinely, prior to employment, prior to surgery or during immigration. The examining physician must be in a position to evaluate large numbers of chest x-rays confidently and speedily. This book succeeds admirably in helping the examiner to this end.


Chapter 1 Introduction: Pattern classification of abnormal shadowsChapter 2 Radiographs of extrapulmonary and intrapulmonary lesions with increased radiolucency  Increased radiolucencyChapter 3 Radiographs of extrapulrnonary lesions with decreased radiolucency Pleural diseaseChapter 4 Radiographs of intrapulmonary lesions with decreased radiolucency 1. Alveolar shadow: Consolidation 2. Alveolar shadow: Atelectasis 3. Interstitial shadow:  Granulomatous sign 4. Interstitial shadow: Fibrotic shadow  5. Alveolar-interstitial shadow: Pulmonary edema, reverse pulmonary edema shadow 6. Nodular shadow: Solitary nodular shadow 1 7. Nodular shadow: Solitary nodular shadow 2 8. Nodular shadow: Solitary nodular shadow 3 9. Nodular shadow: Multiple nodular shadows 10. Ring shadow: Cavity 11. Ring shadow: Cystic shadow 12. Lesions of trachea and bronchus 13. Abnormal linear shadow 14. Hilar shadowChapter 5 Radiographs of mediastinal lesions with decreased or increased radiolucency  Mediastinal lesionsIndex of Radiograph, CT, and other PicturesClassified by Diseases



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