骨关节影像鉴别诊断Bone and Joint Disorders

出版时间:1996-6  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Francis A. Burgener,Martti Kormano 著  页数:325  


This title is a section extracted from the standard work on radiographic diagnosis - Burgener and Kormano's "Differential Diagnosis in Conventional Radiology". It focuses on the radiographic diagnosis of the skeletal system, allowing the professional to access and make use of the vital information they need for this area of diagnosis in a targeted and, therefore, time- and cost-effective way. By presenting original illustrations of almost all the conditions mentioned in the text alongside tables showing the most important additional differential diagnostic information, the book points to the correct diagnosis even in difficult cases.


Chapter 1  OsteopeniaChapter 2  OsteosclerosisChapter 3  Periosteal ReactionsChapter 4  Trauma and FracturesChapter 5  Localized Bone LesionsChapter 6  Joint DiseasesChapter 7  Joint and Soft-Tissue CalcificationsChapter 8  SkullChapter 9  OrbitsChapter 10  Nasal Fossa and Paranasal SinusesChapter 11  Jaws and TeethChapter 12  Spine and PelvisChapter 13  Clavicles, Ribs, and Sternum Chapter 14  ExtremitiesChapter 15  Hands and FeetReferencesIndex



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