Berlitz Hebrew (合式录音带)

出版时间:1999年09月  出版社:Berlitz Guides (1999年9月1日)  作者:Berlitz Guides  


The Berlitz cassette pack with phrase book series comes in several languages, including some harder-to-find language programs like Thai and Hebrew. The series lives up to its claim of letting listeners hear the language "as it's really spoken"--which means fast and slightly indecipherable, just like being in a foreign country and not knowing the language. For anyone who's learned the hard way that trying to understand the local language is nothing like high school language class, that's a real blessing. But true beginners may struggle to memorize the longish phrases like "I want something just like that, only smaller and cheaper."  The 90-minute cassette comes with a color-coded phrasebook containing over 400 essential expressions, plus travel tips, dictionary, and a pronunciation guide that reads like another foreign language altogether.




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