出版时间:2008-11  作者:Canfield, Jack/ Hansen, Mark Victor  页数:403  


The stories in this book cover topics important to the 12 to 14-year-old age range, including regrets and lessons learned, discovering the opposite sex, cliques and popularity, and new privileges and responsibilities such as jobs, cell phones, and grades.  The first Chicken Soup for the Soul book was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies.  Since then, more than 150 Chicken Soup titles have been published, selling more than 100 million copies.     Chicken Soup for the Soul has won dozens of awards over the past 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors.


ForewordIntroduction 1. Letter to a Younger Self, AC Gaughen1 True Friends and New Friends- 2.I'm Not Thirteen Yet, Amy Bernstein 3.Moving into Friendship, Ava Penning, ton 4. A Friend, StarAsia Smith 5.The Makeover, Lena James Edwards 6. Three Dimensions: My Unexpected Best Friend,Julia McDaniel 7. Meeting Julia, Emily Cutler 8, Jenna's Story, Kelsey Johnson 9. I Really Do Care, Josy Hicks Jablons 10. Diana and the Purple Diamond Gang, Emily Adams 11. A Fallen Friend Gets Back Up, Carol Wong2 Mean Girls... and Boy12. The Gift of Lost Friendship, RachelJoyce 13. When I Was Twelve, Kevin Chu 14.It Was Over, Jennifer Perkin 15. It was The Year, Ariel Chu 16. Bellybutton Betrayal, Rosario Rivera 17, True Friend, Nancy Gilliam 18. Becoming a Mean Girl, Andrea Feczho 19.The Curiosity of Popularity, Hale McSharry 20.Dirty Little Fingers, Melissa Face 21.Closure, Wendy Walker3 Embarrassing Moments 22.Brace Yourself, Carole Fowkes 23.The Sand Castle Summer, Donald Verkow 24.Coasting on the Thunder Bolt, Annmarie B. Tait 25.The Love Letter, Harris Bloom 26.The Guarantee, Anna Kendall 27.Spelling Bee Blues, Annmarie B. Tait4 Bully Payback 28.Karma on the Middle School Bus, Andrea Canale 29.E1 Panza de Burra (The Donkey Belly), Conrado Gomez  30.The Eye Patch, Shana Donohue 31.Life Lessons, 5uzy Ryan 32.The Smile that Beat the Bull> Jennifer Youngblood 33.The Courage to Roar, Helen Stein5 FindingYour Passion~ 34. Let There Belieht, Nacie Carson 35.The  Play, R.R. Houghton 36.Happiness Is a Gorilla Suit, Mary Kolesnikova 37.A Cheerleader for Life, Ginger Boda 38.Sliding Along the Halls of Middle School, Renee Hixson... 39.Defining Moments, JoAnne Bennett 40.Anyone Who's Anyone Knows the Horah,Madeline Clapps 41.Stay True To Yourself and Your Dreams, Nicole R. Roberts 42.Going Long in Middle School, Nicholas Berson6 ln Like, In kove, and Just Not IntoYou7 Being Happy with Yourself8 Tough Times9  That,s My Family10  The People Who Are There For Us11  Doing What,s Right



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