the yellow balloon黄气球的旅程

出版时间:2004-4  出版社:Boyds Mills Pr  作者:Dematons, Charlotte  


PreSchool-Grade 3-This wordless picture book traces the journey of a rogue balloon as it is carried along from scene to scene. This format is similar to that of Jean Marzollo's "I Spy" books (Scholastic) and Martin Handford's "Where's Waldo" series (Candlewick), as children are challenged to find the tiny balloon, as well as other objects, in action-filled pictures. The aerial views are panoramic and the colors are breathtaking. Depicting many different parts of the world and many unique landscapes, the illustrations are imaginative and elaborate, and brimming with hundreds of captivating miniature details. At closer scrutiny, observers will see that Dematons combines images from various time periods: a truck is loaded with tomatoes while a short distance away, marauding warriors on horseback pillage a walled town. An escaped convict creeps from page to page, while a man wearing white robes and a turban travels on a magic carpet. With the artwork providing a springboard, opportunities for picture-inspired storytelling are unlimited. This stunning offering has broad appeal.Corrina Austin, Locke's Public School, St. Thomas, Ontario, CanadaCopyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   书很大,画面色彩非常漂亮,看的过程中不仅欣赏了全球各地的风土人情、环境变化,而且会追随着第一页小蓝色小汽车的旅程,和黄球在每页的地方,去寻找你感兴趣的角落,而不只是简单地欣赏画面,其中涉及到的一个个小事件也会让人思考。
  •   建议买此书的人必须知道许多的国外童话故事和典故中的人物,以及一些建筑、地理知识,才会看得有意思,那你会在图画中有许多的发现和惊喜.

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