
出版时间:2005-12  作者:Kay Davidoff-Ziplow 著  页数:197  


Life with a Swinger reveals the personal challenges, compromises and quests faced both by husbands whose "day job" is a rare calling and by the wives who choose to supports then through the ups and downs of the game. Ninety-six contributors from the world of professional golf share their stories in their own words.     "With their book, Kay Davidoff-Ziplow and Leslie Zinberg have filled a dimension long glossed over in the literature of golf-the game's showcase world of the PGA Tours from the perspective of the wives. They play such an important part in the overall picture, and now we have a compilation of their thoughts and feelings as they have lived their unique lives at the sides of their husbands. Most interesting reading indeed."


Kay Davidoff-Ziplow grew up in Miami Beach, Florida. She is an accomplished golfer for over 23 years as is her husband Todd, a real estate investor. As a sports writer, she now divides her time between the West Coast and New York, where their daughter Jes


AcknowledgementsContributorsIntroductionForewordOut of BoundsHome on the RangeHey, What About Me? Crowning MomentsJust BelieveBad Hair DaysRiding the Roller Coaster...and Holding OnHave I Got a Story for YouIndex of Contributors



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