
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:本社 编  页数:534  


The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31,000 species, is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy, too, is Chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. Descriptions and identification keys for this diverse flora, until now unavailable in English, have been published over the past 14 years in the Flora of China, in conjunction with a separate series, the Flora of China Illustrations. Twenty-five of the total of 49 volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.     Eighteen plant families are described in this volume. Among these, Hippocastanaceae comprises the horse chestnuts and buckeyes; Sapindaceae, the soapberry family, includes the fruits lychee and longan, and species valued for their wood; Balsaminaccae, the balsam family, mainly comprises Impatiens; Rhamnaceae includes Rhamnus, once used for making charcoal for gunpowder, and ornamental plants that contain yellow and green dyes; Vitaceae contains the grapes and numerous other vines; TiUaceae includes the basswoods, lindens, or limes; Malvaceae contains Hibiscus, cotton, and okra; Bombacaccae includes kapok; Sterculiaccae, the source of chocolate, also yields timber; Actinidiaceae includes the edible kiwifrult; and Theaceae includes many ornamental species of Camellia, as well as C. sinensis, the source of tea.


PrefaceIntroductionAcknowledgmentsHippocastanaceae七叶树科qi ye shu keSapindaceae无患子科、wuuan zi keSabiaceae清风藤科qing feng teng keBalsaminaceae凤仙花科feng xian hua keRhamnaceae鼠李科shu li keLeeaceae火筒树科huo tong shu keVitaceae葡萄科pu tao keElaeocarpaceae杜英科du ying keTiliaceae椴树科duan shu keMalvaceae锦葵科jin kui keBombacaceae木棉科mu mian keSterculiaceae梧桐科wu tong keDilleniaceae五桠果科wu ya guo keActinidiaceae猕猴桃科mi hou tao keOchnaceae金莲木科jin lian mu keSladeniaceae肋果茶科le guo cha kePentaphvlacaceae五列木科wu lie mu keTheaceae山茶科shan cha keList of Nomenclatural Novelties Published in this Volume of the Flora of ChinaIndex to Chinese NamesIndex to Pinyin NamesIndex to Scientific NamesIndex to Families in the Flora ofChina and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis SinicaePublished Volumes ofthe Flora ofChina and the Flora ofChina Illustrations



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