BOOMER BUILDINGS Mid-Century Architecture Reborn 繁荣建筑群再生中世纪建筑艺术

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:Mitchell/Giurgola Architects  页数:162  


  In an age of diminishing natural resources, architects and their clients need to know about an environmentally sustainable alternative to new construction: new life for old buildings. This book presents six case-study buildings, each more than a generation old that were on the brink of oblivion. Mitchell/Giurgola Architects, based in New York City, worked closely with the client to determine how each project could be salvaged by incorporating updated program elements to serve a new generation of users. All six case studies present in detail how each project is analyzed, from its energy use to its mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, as well as its structural stability. The buildings often expand in size, with a seamless melding of new and old. Contemporary curtain walls not only improve building performance, but also lend a fresh aesthetic appeal. The results are born-again buildings created for a fraction of the cost and consuming far fewer materials than a new facility built from scratch.


Preface The Partners, Mitchell I Giurgola ArchitectsForeword Michael J. Crosbie, Ph.D.IntroductionCASE STUDIES Total Renovation/New Skins  The Lighthouse International Headquarters  Powdermaker Hall Renovation  New York County Family Court Building Renovation Interior Renovation/New Addition  Boyd Hall Addition and Renovation  New Science Building Renovation and Addition Campus Intervention  Elementary and High School, SpainAPPENDIX Credits Boomer Building Experience Firm Profile Acknowledgments



    BOOMER BUILDINGS Mid-Century Architecture Reborn 繁荣建筑群再生中世纪建筑艺术 PDF格式下载

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