出版社:2000 AD (2011年1月11日) 作者:Peter Milligan
Peter Milligan is one of 2000 AD’s most prolific story creators, and has now, of course, graduated to much wider comics fame. As well as co-creating Hewligan’s Haircut with Jamie Hewlett, Milligan created the classic future war story Bad Company, in addition to creating Freaks, Shadows, Sooner or Later, The Dead andTribal Memories. He also contributed several short stories and Future Shocks, and has written Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper stories. His work outside the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic has received enormous critical and fan acclaim; notably Vertigo’s existentialist superhero mystery Enigma, via The Eaters, Human Target, Girl, Tank Girl: The Odyssey, A1, Animal Man, Batman, Minx, Shade the Changing Man and Skreemer. His most recent works are Marvel’s best-selling X-Statix, a vicious pop culture satire, and Vertigo Pop! London, a rock ‘n’ roll tale of the big city, and Greek Street also for Vertigo.Since his Future Shock debut in Prog 37, Brett Ewins has been one of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic’s most beloved artists. Co-creator of the classic Bad Company, Ewins has also contributed to A.B.C. Warriors, Daily Star Dredd, Judge Anderson, Judge Dredd, Kelly, Mega-City One, Rogue Trooper, Ro-Jaws’ Robo-Tales andUniversal Soldier. Beyond 2000 AD, Ewins was a co-founding editor of Deadline magazine, and co-pencilled and inked the hugely acclaimed Skreemer series, which he co-created with writer Peter Milligan. He also created Johnny Nemo, which is now enjoying great success in Cyberosia Publishing’s new US edition.Steve Dillon is a fan-favourite 2000 AD writer and artist, and the creator of both Hap Hazzard and the Irish Judge Joyce, who appears in several Judge Dredd stories. His writing for the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic includes Future Shocks and Rogue Trooper, while Dillon’s pencils have graced A.B.C. Warriors, Bad Company, Judge Dredd, Harlem Heroes, Mean Arena, One-Off, Ro-Busters, Rogue Trooper, Ro-Jaws’ Robo-Tales and Tyranny Rex. Dillon shot to international superstardom as a result of his work on DC/Vertigo’s Preacher, co-created with 2000 AD’s Garth Ennis, but he has also worked on A1, Animal Man, Captain Britain, Deadline, Global Frequency, Hellblazer and Punisher.