Rule No.1: The Simple Strategy for Successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week!(法则)

出版时间:2007-1-1  出版社:BUSINESS BOOKS  作者:Town,Phil  页数:308  


Who's going to provide for your future? There's a crisis looming in pensions. Investing in property is time-consuming and risky. Savings accounts yield very little return. If you're not careful you could be looking at a very uncomfortable retirement. But surely the alternative - investing in the stock market- is risky, complicated and best left to the professionals?


Introduction: Make Money No Matter WhatChapter 1:  The Myths of InvestingChapter 2: Rule #1 and the Four MsChapter 3: Buy a Business, Not a StockChapter 4: Identify a MoatChapter 5: The Big Five NumbersChapter 6: Calculate the Big FiveChapter 7: Bet on the JockeyChapter 8: Demand a Margin of SafetyChapter 9: Calculate the Sticker PriceChapter 10: Know the Right Time to SellChapter 11: Grab the StickChapter 12: The Three ToolsChapter 13: Take Baby StepsChapter 14: Eliminate the BarriersChapter 15: Prepare for Your First Rule #1 PurchaseChapter 16" Q&AGlossaryAcknowledgmentsIndex



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