出版时间:1997-10 出版社:7-09999 作者:E. Sebastian Loew 页数:40
In this concise and informative study, Loew provides an historical background to the transformation of new architecture in France and public attitudes towards it.
IntroductionChapter Ⅰ-HistoricalBackgroundChapter Ⅱ- LegislationChapter Ⅲ- Institutions and their roles Central Government Ministries Mission lnterministerielle pour la Qualite des Constructions Publiques Services Departementaux de l'Architecture Institut Fl'ancais d'Architecture Conseils d'Architecture, d'Urbanisme et de I`Environnement Maires The architectsChapter Ⅳ -Activities Semaine Nationale de l`Architecture Exhibitions Education Ateliers Publics d`urbanisme et d`Architecture Architectural competitions PublicationsConclusionPavilion de l'Arsenal -Temporary ExhibitionsGlossaryBibliographyOther publications
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