去海边旅行Going On A Journey To The Sea

出版时间:2002-3  出版社:Lobster Press (2002年3月1日)  作者:Jane Barclay  


reSchool-Grade 2-A briskly told story in rhyme of a day at the beach. Setting off first by train, then bus, then bicycle (it's not clear where the bicycle comes from), a boy and his older sister finally arrive at the seashore, where they spend a glorious day in the surf and in the sand. "We're swimming-splishing, splashing-`Let's be porpoises and whales/Or pirates on a treasure hunt for mermaids' silvery scales.'" The absence of an accompanying adult is questionable, but, taken at face value, the story is sunny and upbeat. Barrette's winsome, full-page watercolor illustrations reflect the cheerful tone of the outing.  作者简介:  A native of Pointe-Claire, Quebec, author Jane Barclay has been writing since she was a child; early credits include "Cinderelish", an elementary school play that involved sock puppets and very bad singing! Luckily for all, Jane's writing has matured. She is also the author of "How Cold Was It?" and "Going on a Journey to the Sea".



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