German Phrasebook 2 德语

出版时间:2003-4  出版社:Lonely Planet Publications  作者:Lonely Planet Publications  页数:254  


  Lonely Planet Language Products and editor Emma Koch would like to get up on the table and thank the whole, noisy Bierhalle:  Publishing manager Jim 'Goethe' Jenkin whose great vision saw the new series develop from the ground up and who generously offered his German language expertise.     Editor Francesca 'Dietrich' Coles for her invaluable assistance on the project and in-house native German speaker Birgit 'Bauhaus'Jordan for answering queries.    Language expert Gunter Muehl for the German translations, the pronunciation guides, for proofing and for excellent advice on all things German. Freelance proofer Adrienne 'Baroque' Costanzo for her sharp eyes and language awareness and the Swiss family Robinson for survival tactics.    Layout designer Daniel 'Love Parade' New for the great illustrations and cover, freelance layout designer Patrick 'Vee Dub' Marris for contributing his layout prowess to the German project, layout designer Sally 'Wunderkind' Morgan for support in layout and series designer Yukiyoshi 'Kraftwerk' Kamimura for his input into the project.     Cartographer Natasha 'Zeppelin' Velleley, specialist projects managing cartographer Paul 'Lagerfeld' Piaia and map editor Wayne 'Bismark' Murphy for the language map. Commissioning editors Karin 'Hingis' Vidstrup Monk and Karina 'Nina' Coates for getting the ball rolling and helping out with layout checks.  Project manager Fabrice 'Kafka' Rocher and Annelies 'Blue Danube' Mertens who helped to completion.


introduction   language map   introduction  tools   pronunciation   a-z phrasebuilder   language difficeulties   numbers & amounts   time & dates   money practical    transport   border crossing   accommodation   directions    shopping   communications   business   banking   sightseeing   disabled travellers   children social   meeting people   interests   feeling & opinions   going out   romance   beliefs&cultural differences   art   sports   outdoors food   eating out   self-catering   vegetaran&special meals   culinary reader safe travel  essentials   health dictionaries   english-german dictionary   german-english dictionary index




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