
出版时间:1995-4  出版社:不明供货商  作者:O'Neill, Amanda  页数:32  


Full of Lively answers to all those tricky questions about how the world works,I Wonder Why books are a brilliant way to keep young minds buzzing。With information and quirky facts to explain everything from‘Which insect tastes with its toes?to ‘How do grasshoppers play the violin?,I Wonder Why Spiders Spin Webs will amaze,amuse,satisfy and inspire!


Which is the biggest creepy-crawly?Which is the smallest creepy-crawly?What is an insect?When is a fly not a fly?What is a bug?Are spiders insects?Why do spiders spin webs?How od spiders make thread?When do spiders fly?What does an insect feel with its feelers?Which insect tastes with its toes?Which insect listens with its legs?Why do caterpillars change into butterflies?Which insect makes the best mother?What hatches out in a vase?Which insect is the laziest parent?Which insects wear armour?Which beetle fires a spray gun?What digs graves,then robs them?Why do moths flutter around lamps?Why do glowworms glowHow do grasshoppers play the violin?How do mosquitoes hum?Why do bees live in hives?Why do bees dance?Why do bees carry brushes and baskets?Which ants live in a tent?Whose house has a trapdoor?Whose nest is paper thin?Which dragon lives under water?Which bug does the backstroke?When is a flower not a flower?When is a leaf not a leaf?Which insect has a fierce bottom?What has a sting in its tail?Can spiders kill people?What kills over a million people a year?Which killing machine has 120 million legs?Are creepy-crawlies good for people?Are people good for creepy-crawlies?Index



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