So You Think You Know About Britain? (你以为自己了解不列颠?)

出版时间:2011-3-17  出版社:Constable  作者:Danny Dorling  


We don t live in the country we thought we lived in anymore; it has changed because we have changed. When it comes to immigration, the population explosion, the collapse of the family, the north-south divide, or the death of the countryside, common wisdom tells us that we are in trouble; however, this is far from the truth. In his brilliant anatomy of contemporary Britain, leading geographer Daniel Dorling dissects the nation and reveals unexpected truths about the way we live today, contrary to what you might read in the news. Exploring the key issues that make the headlines Dorling will change the way you think about the country and explain just why you should feel positive about the future.
Why there are more young women in London than men
Why the North/South Divide is moving southwards
Why we need more immigrants rather than less
Why the population time bomb is a myth
Why there are more divorced people in Blackpool than anywhere else
Why young black people don t vote


DANNY DORLING is the Professor of Geography at Sheffield University. He is the honorary president of the Society of Cartographers. In 2009 he was awarded the Gold Award of the Geographical Association and the Back Award of the Royal Geographical Society. He has appeared on the recent Story of Now series and will appear with Andrew Marr on a BBC2 programme to co-incide with the census in April 2011. He advises government and the office for national statistics on matters relating to the census.




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