(我自己会读系列-儿童阅读字典)Read it Yourself School Dictionary

出版时间:2004-6  出版社:Ladybird Books Ltd  作者:Ladybird  页数:128  


This Read It Yourseilf Dictionary contains more than 1,1000 words explained in uniquely simple language.    Key features:    Definitions given in language suitable for early readers.    Lots of school words, e.a.phonics; grapheme    Words that are useful for school projects    SubJect based word lists .for easy reJ:erence and comparing.    Science and technology section inctuding IT definitions and diagrams.


Using this dictionaryThe dictionaryUseful words  Months  Days of the week  Compass points  Seasons of the year  Numbers  Measurements  Shapes  Colours  Opposites  Animals  The body  FamiLy  VehicLes  Frwt  VecjetabLes  Short useful words  Question words  Parts of speechScience and technologay  Information  technology



    (我自己会读系列-儿童阅读字典)Read it Yourself School Dictionary PDF格式下载

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  •   从篇幅上说,一本小32开的字典,半硬皮,120多页,1000多词汇,放在孩子的书包里,负担不重.出版社也不错,英国出版社,里面的词条也是英式英语的拼写方式,适合现在的英语学习使用.里面的单词标注了词性,动词还体现出第三人称单数,现在分词,过去分词,对于初学者来说是不错的.但是作为一本儿童字典,图片比较少,英国画风,风格比较一般,不太好看.而且就价格来说,比较贵.相对当当的另一本澳大利亚版的儿童图解词典(220多页,全彩色,全配图,有例句)27元的价格来说,性价比相当一般.但是在买不到那本字典的情况下,应该还算不错.

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
