Elmer and Butterfly 艾玛和蝴蝶 ISBN 9781842709382

出版时间:2012-5  作者:McKee, David  页数:32页  


The famous patchwork
elephant is back in another heart-warming adventure about
friendship and teamwork. One day, as Elmer is strolling through the
jungle, he hears a cry for help. A butterfly has been trapped in a
hole by a fallen branch. Elmer rushes to the rescue and frees her
with ease. In return she promises to help Elmer should he ever need
it. Elmer cannot imagine how a tiny butterfly could ever help him,
but he finds out sooner than he expects.



    Elmer and Butterfly 艾玛和蝴蝶 ISBN 9781842709382 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   花格子系列,这个版本的,35以下全收.
  •   书的印刷和大小都比中文引进版的要好,唯一缺陷就是书脊部位很容易掉页。女儿幼儿园推荐的绘本,我感觉中文版翻译的不好。但是英文版我觉得对3-4岁的孩子来说稍微有点难了。

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