与工作相关联的127问答Where Do All the Paperclips Go?

出版时间:2007-11  作者:Steve Coomber  页数:206  


At last, a book about business that you'll actually want to read. Ever wondered how easy it is to fiddle your expenses, why you feel curiously ill at ease without your BlackBerry, or what the Japanese word 'Karoshi' means? Now you can find out. Forget endlessly surfing the web or wading through magazines. A few minutes with this book will save you an entire lunchtime looking for the answers to life's curious work-related conundrums. Where Do all The Paperclips Go? answers that and 127 other all-important questions. It has no graphs, matrices, formulas, dashboards or very long words to confuse you. Just instantly readable, memorable insights that will keep you coming back for more. And if you're too busy even to open the book, you'll be happy to learn that 'Karoshi' means 'death by overworking'.


Acknowledgements Introduction Section 1: Learning the ropes Section 2: Getting the job done Section 3: Working with others Section 4: Climbing the ladder Section 5: Rags to riches Section 6: Happiness and health Section 7: Department of miscellany Section 8: Breaking free Index



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