品牌的建立Never Mind the Sizzle...Where's the Sausage?

出版时间:2007  出版社:Capstone  作者:David Taylor  页数:146  


Are you looking for a branding book that's a bit different? You've found it. Never Mind the Sizzle... is an irreverent story packed full of practical tips, tricks and tools that reveal how to cut through the bull and buzzwords of branding, get deep insight into your customers, create a big brand idea, get your boss on board, win the consumer's heart and mind and stand out from the crowd. Join the blog at wheresthesausage.com !


David Taylor is one of the world's 50 most important marketing thinkers’ according to the CIM. He is the author of three books on branding published by John Wiley: The brandgym, Brand Stretch and brand vision. David is the founder and Managing Partner of the brandgym, a consultancy that coaches teams to create a clear brand vision and the action plan to turn this into growth. He has led brand vision projects for many top brands including Hellmann's, T-Mobile, Persil and Bertolli.


IntroductionQUARTER ONE: Branding for business 1. January-The buzzword battle begins 2. February- Brand-led business 3. March - Elastic brandsQUARTER TWO: From insight to brand vision 4. April - Be the consumer                  5. May- GPS for your brand 6. June - Brand trampolineQUARTER THREE: Test-driving the vision 7. July - Show them the money 8. August - Consumer test drive 9. September - Don't just think different, do differentQUARTER FOUR: The rubber hits the road 10. October - Rallying the troops 11. November- Making money, not movies  12.December-The sausage has landedIndex




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