
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:GRANGE BOOKS  作者:CONFIDENTIALCONCEPTS  页数:255  


The Understanding Art series provides the student or non-specialized reader with a basic introduction to a period or movement by presenting a wide-ranging selection of artists and their works, illustrated by full-color reproductions and discussed in relation to each other and the period or movement they represent. Comprehensive in scope and inviting in design, these books are as appealing for browsing as they are for research. Supplements school curriculum in art. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.   The growth and development of Impressionism is fully described and illustrated in this handsome, comprehensive volume. The lives of the founders of the movement and their followers are revealed through a knowledgeable text and 352 full-color reproductions. Here is the story of one of the most popular schools of art, one that continues to fascinate and enchant us. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.





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