Cancun & the Yucatan Encounter 1st 坎昆、尤卡坦半岛

出版时间:2010-12  出版社:Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd  作者:Benchwick, Greg  页数:160  


Diving into the coral-reef gardens off the coast of Cozumel
Playing Indiana Jones for a day in the jungle ruins of Coba
Watching beautiful people at one of Playa Del Carmen's chic beach
lounges Relaxing to the rhythm of the waves in sleepy Isla Holbox
Partying with Maya dancers, swashbuckling pirates and college kids
in Cancun Enjoying a picnic and swim at a cool, underground


A skilled writer, photographer, videographer and editor, Greg Benchwick has penned articles for National Geographic Traveler, Lonely Planet, The San Jose Mercury News, The San Francisco Examiner, The Miami Herald, Sommelier Journal, Fodor’s, Adbusters and more. An expert on travel, food, wine, Latin America, sustainable travel and adventure sports, Greg has also contributed as an authoritative expert for such media outlets as Newsweek, The Washington Post, BBC Radio, Rick Steve’s Radio and Let’s Travel Radio. And he has worked as an editor at Lonely Planet Publications, The San Jose Mercury News and The San Francisco Examiner.




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