Lonely Planet Vietnamese Phrasebook越南话

出版时间:2006-3  作者:Handicott, Ben  页数:255  


Conical hats,lacquerware bowls and flag T-shirts are fine-you can compare them with everyone else's.Or get talking and bring home souvenirs that no one can match.    Open the phrasebook and make this trip Your own.


inroduction  map  introductiontools  pronunciation    vowel sounds    tones    consonant sounds    regional differnces    word stress    reading & writing  a-z phrasebuilder    contents    adjectives & adverbs    be     classifiers    demonstratves    have    negatives    personal pronouns    plurals    possessives    questions    requests    there is/are    verbs    word order    glossary  languaeg difficulties  numbers & dates    telling the time    the calendar    present    past    future     during the day  moneypractical  transport    getting around    tickets    luggage    plane     bus    train    boat    taxi,motorcycle-taxi & cyclo    car & Motorbike    bicycle  border crossing    border crossing    at custons  directions  accommodation    finding accommodation    booking ahead & checking in    requests & queries    complaints    checking out    camping    renting    ……socialfoodsafe traveldictionariesindexfinder




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