The Day of the Dead: And Other Mortal Reflections (平装)

出版时间:2009年06月  出版社:Kaplan Publishing (2009年6月2日)  作者:F. Gonzalez-Crussi  


“ What better guide to the corporeal aspects of death and its aftermath than the observations of a poetic pathologist? Gonzalez-Crussi’s work is more than reportage and reminiscences, although those elements—spiced with literary allusions—enhance his discussions of embalming, autopsy, human sacrifice, skeletons, death masks, holy relics, and scientific specimens.” 
—Lingua Franca^“ Cemeteries, hospitals and funeral homes are hardly the usual backdrop for an entertaining collection of essays. But then, the writing of Frank Gonzalez-Crussi is anything but usual…Dr. Gonzalez-Crussi... has written a book about death that is pulsing with life.”
—New York Times Book Review



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