10 Secrets I Learned from the Apprentice (平装)

出版时间:2004-7  出版社:Chamberlain Bros. (2004年7月27日)  作者:Anthony Parinello  页数:153  


On Donald TrUmD’S hit reality television show The Apprentice,the competition is ruthless,and only the most savvy,aggressive,and confident contenders make it to the top.    The competition iS iust as ruthless in the real world.    By carefully observing the behaviors and actions of the contestants and of Trump himself-Anthony Parinello and Beth Gottfried have unearthed ten valuable tips about how to succeed in the Cutthroat world of big business.What worked for BilI Rancic-leading him to fame,fortune,and what’S sure to be an extraordinary careermcan also work for you.


IntroductionSecret 1:Think BigSecret 2.Show the Competition No MercySecret 3:Defend YourselfAggressivelySecret 4:Remember,Consensus Is OverratedSecret 5:Identify All Possible Resourcesand Use Them StrategicallySecret 6:Cut Your LossesSecret 7:Get Face—tO—Face with Key Decision—MakersSecret 8:Step Up—Take Intelligent Chances,and Then Take ResponsibilitySecret 9:Advance the Most Profitable DealSecret 10:Negotiate Tough;Negotiate Based on Your Negotiating Partner's Situation and Personality;Understand that No Single Negotiating Strategy Is Perfect The Ten Secrets BlueprintBonus Secret 1:Dressing for SuccessBonus Secret 2:Successful Executive EttiquetteBonus Secret 3:Speaking SuccessfullyApprentice Musings by Beth Gottfried  The Aftermath of TheApprentice  The Battle of the Sexes in The Apprentice  The Apprentice:A Personality ProfileThe$1 00,000 Resource GuideRecommended Reading



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