Tokyo Tribes 3 (东京暴族 3)

出版时间:2005-8  出版社:Tokyopop  作者:Santa Inoue  


As the rivalry between Mera and Kai rages on, Kai runs into trouble on the home front--and on the homeboy front. While Kai argues with his father about his future, the rival tribe begins attacking his friends. When Kai gets the call, he rushes out to the aid of his friends, leaving his father upset and angry. Kai's loyalty and pride towards his friends will lead him into trouble...and may lead to the end of his life! "Wonderful drawings, thoughtful characterizations and obvious love of hip-hop style and music...The dialogue is excellent...dynamic action sequences."-Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)


From Publishers Weekly  A sensation in Japan when it was originally published in the late 1990s, Inoue's much anticipated manga about hip-hop–influenced Japanese gangbangers provides a fascinating look at the impact of black urban style on Japanese youth culture. While the book's plot is a bit shopworn (two high school buddies go their separate ways and end up in rival gangs), Inoue's wonderful drawings of Tokyo, thoughtful characterizations and obvious love of hip-hop style and hip-hop music lift this book well above the ordinary. In the story, Tokyo's districts are ruled by different gangs. Two members of the Sura gang (from Musashinokuni) are brutally murdered when they venture into Bukuro, territory run by a psychotic gang leader named Mero, who's the estranged buddy of Kai, a prominent member of the Sura gang. Kai suspects Mero is the killer and, along with two comical Sura gang buddies, makes a trip into Bukuro seeking vengeance. They find a beautiful hooker who was the last person to see the two dead men—but she disappears into a sex club after whispering "Help me" to Kai, setting the stage for violent events to come. The dialogue is excellent and Inoue's characters speak with the lively rhythm and profane humor of black urban street patois. His b&w drawings depart from standard manga style, offering an expressive naturalism while retaining manga's distinctive ability to depict dynamic action sequences. There's also a very funny addendum on the making of the manga. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  --This text refers to the Paperback edition. 




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用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   井上三太的这部东京暴族以前看过台版的,很喜欢,都市里的黑帮故事,画面间挥洒着浓浓的潮流气息.井上在日本是有名的潮人漫画家,连陈冠希这种香港的潮人之王都曾去日本拜访他.这部作品适合对时髦风格的黑帮争斗故事有兴趣的漫迷,不过如果你没什么太多的忍耐力,那么你也并不适合这部作品(东京暴族里面有些画面接近重口味,但是对暴力和猎奇无忌的人应该会很开心).必须提到的是这个美版的封面和封底印刷实在是太好了,日版漫画的完全版也很难做到这个水平.虽然里面的印刷一般,但是光抚摸着这个封套就是享受.美国的漫迷可真幸福,虽然这个幸福是要以十美元的价格换回来的

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