出版时间:2004-1 出版社:Alpha 作者:Eric D. Nelson 页数:388
The incredible influence of Ancient Greek culture on everything from science to literature to politics continues to be relevant—and hotly debated. In The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Ancient Greece, you are invited to meet the Ancient Greeks and to understand their legacy by entering their world. • Profiles the most important contributions of Greek culture, including mythology, philosophy, medicine, and the Olympic games • Includes further reading and travel information to help in planning a personal Odyssey
Eric D. Nelson, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of classics at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington. He is the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Roman Empire and several scholarly works regarding the life and writings of Hippocrates.
Susan Allard-Nelson, Ph.D., specializes in ancient philosophy, particularly Aristotle, and in ethics. The author of An Aristotelian Approach to Ethical Theory: The Norms of Virtue, she teaches philosophy and writing at Pacific Lutheran University.
Part1:All Greek to You? 1 Beware of Greeks Gifts-You Might Like Them 2 Classical Gas:Ancient Greek Literature and Art at a Glance 3 Classical Analysis:Greek History,Philosophy,Science,and Architeceure at a Glance 4 Greek FAQs:Hot Topics in Brief 5 By Zeus!Ancient Greek Religion and MythologyPart2:The Bronze Age Through the Archaic Period 6 Where in the Hellas?Ancient Greece and Its Neighbors 7 Bulish on the Bronze Age;The Minans and Mycenaeans 8 The Myserious“Dorian Invasion”and the Obscurities of the “Dark Age” 9 The Archaic-and Aristocratic-Big Bang 10 A Cultural Explosion:Archic Literature Artnd Architecture 11 Go for the Gold!The Games of Ancient Greece 12 Two to Tango:Athens and SpartaPart3:The Height of the Classical Period and the Plois 13 The Persin Wars 14 Democracy ls Coming:Athens at the Helm 15 The Peloponnesian War 16 Classical Cvltvre 17 Method from the Madness?lntellectual Artistic and Literary Developments of the Fifth Century Part4:The Brekdown of the Polis to the Death of Alexander the Great 18 Political Cvthroat:Shifting Dominance 19 The Man with the Silver Spear:Philip of Macedon and the Conquest of Greece 20 Life Literatureand Cvlture in the Twilight of the Polis 21 Boy Wonder:Alexander the Great and His ConquestsPart5:The Legacy of Hellas 22 Citizens of the World:The Cosmopolis and Hellenistic Culture 23 You Will Be Assimilated:Hellenism and the Coming of Rome 24 Trojan Horse?The Greek Legacy from Rome to the Renaissance 25 Radical:Romantic and Revolutionary:Ancient Greece from the Renaissance to TodayAppendixes A Your Own Odyssey:Reading Surfing and Travel Lltinergaries in Ancient Hellas B GlossaryIndex