8周打造第一品牌 Why Johnny Can't Brand

出版时间:2005-11-17  出版社:Portfolio Hardcover  作者:Bill Schley,Carl Nichols Jr.  页数:222  


Too many companies think that splashy advertising and cool packaging is the same thing as branding. Marketers talk about brand charisma or brand warfare, spend millions on entertaining ads starring dancing chimpanzees or cowboys herding cats, but fail to differentiate their product or give consumers a real reason to pay attention. Then they wonder why their campaigns fail.   This in-your-face, down-to-earth guide explains real branding: the process of creating an exclusive idea of value that consumers can trust you to deliver consistently. It offers a unique eight-week program that can help any company create a #1 brand by focusing on the one big idea that will make people really want your product or service.   The same principles apply to Ford Motor Company and Frankie’s Lawn & Garden shop. Schley and Nichols teach readers how to:   • abandon their precious lists of features and benefits   • focus on a simple, singular message   • distill a killer dominant selling idea  • roll out a new brand identity


Introduction: "Houston (and New York, Chicago,Boston)... We Have a Problem"  I. The Day Marketing Jumped the Guard Rail  II. Singing Chimps and Rioting Brides  III. One Small Detail: It Ain't Branding  IV Real Branding  V. The Sexiest Thing of AU  VI. Use Only as Directed  VII. Found MoneyPart One--ThinkingI. BACK TO SCHOOL  1. So Why Can't Johnny Brand?    Three Main Reasons    Ira Real Brand Is an Asset, What's It Worth in     Dollars and Cents?    Branding Anything    The One Caveat    Three Days from Now at 8 AM  2. Quick  What's a Brand? (The Chemistry of One-Track Minds)    Your Single-Minded Urge    So... What's a Real Brand?    Good Brand Versus Bad Brand  a Practical Definition    A Real Selling Brand    Finally (This Is Important), Let's Get Straight on the Word "Branding"    In the Time Before Cocoa Puffs    To Be or Not to Be--That's Not the Question  3. The Rules for #1 Brands    "Wisdom for Dummies"    The Brand Titans    What They Found~the Granite Pages    GRANITE PAGES I-VI: RULES TO DIFFERENTIATE AND DEFINE    Granite Page I    The Number 1 Is Holy    The Five Rules of One     1. The "One Item of'Carry-On'" Rule     2. The "Dominant Selling Idea" Rule     3. The "Unlimited Specialty" Rule     4. The "Captain Kirk" Rule     5. The "Eye of the Beholder" Rule    Granite Page II     Your Name    Granite Page III     The Universal Paradox    Granite Page IV     Own It    Granite Page V     The Importance of Being Important    Granite Page VI      Credibility  4. Granite Pages VII-XVII: Rules to Penetrate and Stick    Granite Page VII      The Mouse Trap    Granite Page VIII      Make Me an Offer I Can't Refuse    Granite Page IX      Nobody Volunteers for Pain ……Part Two-Doingthe End of the Beginning




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