高效人际网络的秘诀 One Phone Call Away

出版时间:2005-12  出版社:Portfolio Hardcover (2005年11月1日)  作者:Jeffrey W. Meshel  页数:204  


Networking is much more than meeting someone and getling a business card to add to your collection. It's also much more than simply "working a room" and handing out a stack of your own cards.    Instead, according to networker extraordinaire Jeffrey Meshel, networking is a vitally important skill that most people don't take seriously enough. Most of us are bad at it, at a terrible cost to our careers. And it isn't even taught at colleges or business schools.    Meshel, who has nearly five thousand names in his Rolodex, is known as the guy who knows everyone. He has spent many years honing his networking skills, along with his ability to inspire trust, make connections,and keep huge webs of networks running smoothly.    He believes that your next big sale, big deal, or big suc- cess is just one phone call away. You too can becomean excellent networker if you are open-minded and sin-cere, if you always take the high road and do what'sright, and if you're willing to learn a few relatively sim-ple techniques.


EFFREY MESHEL,iscofounder and president of Mercury Capital, Mercury Properties, and MercuryEquity Group. He is also the founder of a high-level networking group called The  Strategic  Forum, where senior executives link up to create incredible opportuniti


AcknowledgmentsIntroductionPart One IHE BASICS1 Twenty-one and Green  What I Learned from My Past2 Networking Fundamentals3 Ask Not "What's in It for Me4 Perception of Self  How Others See You5 Dealing with Shyness  How to Overcome It6 Basic Sales Tactics  Turn No into Maybe, Maybe into Yes7 The Art of the Sale8 The Database   It's What You Know About Who You KnowPart Two ADVANCED NETWORKING9 Use Networking to Create an Effective Network Group10 The Dynamics of Running a Network11 Networking Groups in Action12 Networking Intelligence  Managing Your Business13 Raising the Bar  The Network Advantage14 How Other Experts Network  Three Points of View15 The Rewards of NetworkingAppendix  Join Parad gm V, the Ultimate Networking ExperienceIndex



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