出版时间:2005-12 出版社:Portfolio Hardcover (2005年3月1日) 作者:Alex Wipperfurth
This is not your ordinary marketing manual. With casual humor and a laid-back tone, Wipperfürth, a marketer who helps brands like Dr. Martens and Napster "appear like serendipitous accidents," advocates the "brand hijack," a process of allowing customers to shape brand meaning and drive a brand's evolution. Using case studies of products that were embraced by young consumers precisely because they lacked traditional, excessive ad campaigns, like Pabst Blue Ribbon and In-N-Out Burger, Wipperfürth shows that seemingly effortless branding is actually sustained by "no-marketing" techniques. Some of these tactics include marketing first to alternative subcultures and building a brand "folklore" with "customs, rituals, vocabulary...and experiences," much in the way that he claims "Starbucks created coffee culture." The book designates three types of brand hijack: the Discovery, which allows people to feel "in on a secret" (à la Palm); the Commentary, by which a brand like Dr. Martens is associated with a subversive social statement; and the Mission, which "declares a worldview oppositional to a 'Big Brother' enemy" (à la Apple). While the book speaks specifically to marketers, it offers a glimpse into America's consumer- and ad-driven culture, and even lay readers will be fascinated to learn about the sly techniques being utilized on them. That pair of expensive pre-ripped jeans will never look the same. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
PART I: MARKETING WITHOUT MARKETING Chapter 1. The "No Marketing" MythPART II: THE HIJACK Chapter 2. Public ProperW. The Serendipitous Hijack Chapter 3. The Marketer's Guide to the Serendipitous Chapter 4. A "No Marketing" Illusion:The Co-created Hijack Chapter 5. A Dangerous Attitude Chapter 6. The Marketer's Guide to the Co-created HijackPART III: THE HIJACK, CORPORATE STYLE Chapter 7. Brand Hijack Candidates Chapter 8. The Marketer's Guide to the Corporate Hijack Chapter 9. The Dawn of the Next Marketing EraPART IV: THE HIJACKER Chapter 10. The Consumer Collective Chapter 11. The Inner Workings of the Brand Tribe Chapter 12. The Funny Business of Earning Consumer DevotionPART Y: THE BRAHD HIJACK ROADHAP Chapter 13. The Kick-Off: Hijack Ideation Chapter 14. Phase I: Tribal Marketing Chapter 15. Phase II: Co-creation Chapter 16. Phase III: Mass MarketingPART VI:THE HIJACKER'STHREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES