Using the Balanced Scorecard to Create Corporate Synergies(平衡记分卡以及团队协作)

出版时间:2006-4  出版社:Harvard Business School Publishing  作者:Robert S. Kaplan (Author)  页数:302  


Most organizations consist of multiple business and support units, each populated by highly trained, experienced executives. But often the efforts of individual units are not coordinated, resulting in conflicts, lost opportunities, and diminished performance   Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton argue that the responsibility for this critical alignment lies with corporate headquarters. In this book, the authors apply their revolutionary Balanced Scorecard management system to corporate-level strategy, revealing how highly successful enterprises achieve powerful synergies by explicitly defining corporate headquarters’ role in setting, coordinating, and overseeing organizational strategy.   Based on extensive field research in organizations worldwide, Alignment shows how companies can build an enterprise-level Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard that clearly articulate the “enterprise value proposition”: how the enterprise creates value above that achieved by individual business units operating alone. The book provides case studies, actionable frameworks, and sample scorecards that show how to align business and support units, boards of directors, and external partners with the corporate strategy and create a governance process that will ensure that alignment is sustained.   The next breakthrough in strategy execution from the field’s premier thinkers, Alignment shows how today’s companies can unlock unrealized value from enterprise synergies.


Preface1. Alignment: A Source of Economic Value2. Corporate Strategy and Structure: Historical Perspective3. Aligning Financial and Customer Strategies4. Aligning Internal Process and Learning and Growth Strategies: Integrated Strategic Themes5. Aligning Support Functions6. Cascading: The Process7. Aligning Boards and Investors8. Aligning External Partners9. Managing the Alignment Process10. Total Strategic AlignmentIndexAbout the Authors



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