出版时间:2003-8-13  出版社:VIZ Media LLC  作者:松本大洋  


Series Description: In a futureworld that has become mostly harsh desert, the Rainbow Council of the International Peace Keeping Forces, a team of superpowered global security guardians, have a growing crisis on their hands. No. 5, one of their own and known within the council as their top marksman, has left his post and gone rogue. It's up to the other guardians to track him down--but No. 5, with his mysterious companion Matroshka, won't go down without a fight. In volume 2, with No.'s 8 and 9 down for the count, No. 5 continues his battle against the Rainbow Council. Tiayo Matsumoto's vivid, imaginative artwork brings this heady story of betrayal and brutality to life.




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