(美国是如何输掉伊拉克战争的)How America Lost Iraq

出版时间:2005-12  出版社:2005-06-01 (2005年6月1日)  作者:Aaron Glantz  页数:303  


allowed the newly freed society to descend into violence and chaos.   Here is a brutally honest account of a reporter who discovered how popular the U.S. presence was in Iraq-and who watched this change as the Bush administration mishandled the war, leaving us with the intractable conflict we face today.


PART ONE: AFTER THE FALL 1. Entering After the Fall 2. The Unpopular Resistance 3. Nightly Arguments 4. Civilian Casualties 5. A Dysfunctional OccupationPART TWO: THE OCCUPATION DRAGS ON 6. Welcome to Iraqi Kurdistan 7. Peshmerga in Control, Refugees in Camps 8. Changing Attitudes About Terror 9. America Becomes the Enemy 10. Fundamentalists UnitePART THREE: WHEN AMERICA LOST IRAQ 11. The Closure of A1-Hawza Newspaper 12. The War Begins 13. Apache Helicopter Strikes 14. It's Not Safe to Go Outside 15. America's Mass Grave 16. Kidnap DramasPART FOUR: BRUTALITY BECOMES THE NORM 17. Return from Kurdistan 18. Brutality Becomes the Norm 19. Dead Sheiks in Babylon 20. Victory Rises Above a Mass GravePART FIVE: TOWARDA BETTER FUTURE 21. Kindergarten CopEPILOGUE: Elections and BeyondAPPENDIX: Historic and Political Figures



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