发声书 A Hear and there book birds calls 鸟鸣

出版时间:2001-3  出版社:Innovative Kids  作者:Gallo, Frank  


In nature, we often hear the sound of a bird or an animal before we can see it. Our new Hear and There Books have the same effect. After reading a short riddle, children are asked "What am I?" By pushing a color-coded button on the sound strip, they can hear the call of the bird or the animal. When they pull the tab on the right page, the animal is revealed. To find out more about the featured bird or animal, readers can lift the flap on the left-hand page for more detailed information on its habitat, its young, and its behavior. Written by a professional naturalist, these books are beautifully illustrated, fun to listen to, and filled with interesting facts!   Have you ever wondered what a certain sound was outside your window at night? As children play the calls of these nocturnal creatures, they will be fascinated to read and learn about the coyote, spring peepers, great horned owl, American toad, whippoorwill, field cricket, bullfrog, and katydid.




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  •   动物叫声形象,孩子喜欢。

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