Nature Crafts小手工

出版时间:2002-1  出版社:Oxford University Press  作者:Joy Williams 著  页数:63  


Nature Crafts is filled with 16 projects that kids ages 6-12 will love. They'll learn how to use fun materials from outdoors such as leaves, rocks, or feathers to create keepsakes they'll cherish. Whether they live in a city, suburb or near the beach, kids everywhere can have a wild time creating these crafts, including: leaf print placemats, scarves and napkins; bookmarks made with pressed leaves and flowers; "flower pounded" pillows and clothing; picture frames decorated with pebbles, shells, nuts or sticks.   Kids will be able to make a week at camp or vacations at the beach last forever, or venture into their own backyard to transform natural discoveries into creative treasures.



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