Practical guide to business continuity assurance企业连续性保证实用指南

出版时间:2004-10  作者:McCrackan, Andrew  页数:210  


Here's a groundbreaking book that offers you a powerful new methodology for business continuity management - an approach designed to bind and enhance risk management, disaster prevention, and disaster recovery efforts to an optimum level of efficiency.


1 Introduction   1.1 Purpose and Scope   1.2 How to Use This Book   1.3 Current Standards and Literature   1.4 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery   1.5 Gap Analysis   1.6 Integration of the Organization   1.7 Business and IT   1.8 Health and Safety   1.9 Security   1.10 Terrorism   1.11 Finance and Motivation   1.12 Insuring for Disaster 2 Approach   2.1 Key Components of Operation   2.2 Events and Event Responses   2.3 Facets of Business Continuity   2.4 Legacy Approach   2.5 Continuity Across the Organization 3 Methodology   3.1 Overview   3.2 Offensive Stream   3.3 Defensive Stream   3.4 The Maturity Model   3.5 Achievement and Quality Assurance   3.6 Knowledge Transfer and Resource Management     3.6.1 Team Blending     3.6.2 The Apprenticeship Method   3.7 Communication   3.8 Problem Solving and Root Cause 4 Level 1: Rationalization   4.1 Organizational Positioning   4.2 Team Structure   4.3 Roles and Responsibilities   4.4 Resourcing   4.5 Management Tools   4.6 Security and Safety   4.7 Level 1 Performance Indicators 5 Level 2: Risk Reduction   5.1 Vulnerability Analysis   5.2 Corrective and Preventative Action   5.3 Risk Identification   5.4 Risk Mitigation   5.5 Security and Safety   5.6 Level 2 Performance Indicators 6 Level 3: Rating 7 Level 4: Rigor 8 Level 5: Robustness 9 Level 6: Resilience 10 Level 7: Recovery  11 Continuity Assurance Achievement Rating (CAAR)  12 Quality Assurance  13 Outsourcing and Commercial Management  14 Case Studies  15 Summary  Acronyms and Abbreviations  About the Author  Index



    Practical guide to business continuity assurance企业连续性保证实用指南 PDF格式下载

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